Tribe: No tribe
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Soul name: None
Hair: Unknown
Eyes: Unknown
Magic: Rockshaping
Lifemate: None
Relatives: None known
Status: Immortal, deceased
Life history: Osek was one of Ekuar's friends who went with him to find the High One's Palace. They found it, but were captured and subsequently enslaved by the Frozen Mountain trolls. For many millennia the three rockshapers served the trolls and endured their tortures, until Greymung's rebellion. Osek took advantage of the confusion and escaped to the desert through the tunnel of Golden Light. Ekuar and Mekda were too weak to follow him. Osek didn't have much strength left either, and what he had was quickly sapped by the desert. He managed to shape himself a shallow hole in the rock surface, crawled into it and sealed it shut, there to die. Many years later Ember discovered the recently exposed hole with the bones, causing Leetah to think the bones were the remains of Rayek.

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Last updated June 7th 2001 at 21:01
E-mail me: erica@ratauvan.co.uk
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